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Status: To be reviewed

Created in June 2021.

How ‘to be reviewed’ components work
Components with a ‘to be reviewed’ status have been added for use by everyone, but have not been checked or improved recently. Read about all the Design System statuses.

When to use

Use the search component to let users search by word or phrase. This can be used within the Primary Navigation component.

How to use

You can configure the search form to be inversed on black and to hide and show labels and hints depending on your use case. You’ll see examples of this on the Primary Navigation component page.

Accessibility issues

There’s an accessibility issue with the search component. If you’re using it in your service, you need to add these issue details to your accessibility statement.

Screen reader and keyboard users cannot clear the text entry field

Screen reader and keyboard users cannot access the ‘x’ button to remove text from the search text entry field. This fails the following requirements:

We’re aware of this issue and plan to implement a fix by April 2025.

Get help and contribute

Get help

You can contact the MoJ Design System team for help or support using this component.

Help improve this component

The MoJ Design System team would like to hear:

  • how you have used this component in your service
  • any feedback you have about its usage, for example accessibility or ideas for improvement

Add these comments to the search discussion on GitHub.