Organisation switcher
Last updated: 11 October 2022
<div class="moj-organisation-nav" aria-label="Organisation switcher">
<div class="moj-organisation-nav__title">HMP Sheppey Cluster (Swaleside)</div>
<a href="#" class="moj-organisation-nav__link">Change prison</a>
{%- from "moj/components/organisation-switcher/macro.njk" import mojOrganisationSwitcher -%}
{{ mojOrganisationSwitcher({
text: 'HMP Sheppey Cluster (Swaleside)',
link: {
text: 'Change prison',
href: '#'
}) }}
To use the component in your design, add the MoJ Figma Kit to your Figma libraries and find the component using the Assets tab.
When to use
Use the organisation switcher component to let users navigate between different organisations or accounts, for example, switching between prisons.
When not to use
Do not use this component if the user has access to only one organisation.
How to use
This component comes directly after the header, or phase banner if there is one.