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Setup for production

Install MoJ Frontend with compiled files

You can install MoJ Frontend using the compiled files released with each version. However, by doing so, you will not be able to:

  • selectively include the CSS or JavaScript for individual components
  • build your own styles or components based on the palette or typography and spacing mixins
  • customise the build, for example, overriding colours or enabling global styles
  • use the component Nunjucks templates

In a live application, we recommend that you install with npm instead. This will allow you to better integrate the library and more easily upgrade.

Copy the files

  1. Download the release-<VERSION-NUMBER>.zip file at the bottom of the latest MoJ Frontend release note.
  2. Unzip the zip file.
  3. Copy the assets folder to the root of your project’s public folder, so that for example <YOUR-SITE-URL>/assets/images/moj-logotype-crest.png shows the images/moj-logotype-crown.png image in your users’ browsers.
  4. Copy the 2 .css files to a stylesheets folder in the root of your project’s public folder, so that for example <YOUR-SITE-URL>/stylesheets/moj-frontend.min.css shows the CSS file in your users’ browsers.
  5. Copy the .js file to a JavaScript folder in the root of your project’s public folder, so that for example <YOUR-SITE-URL>/javascript/moj-frontend.min.js shows the JavaScript file in your users’ browsers.

Check an example page

With the GOV.UK Design System

  1. Follow the instructions for installing the GOV.UK Design System
  2. Add link tags for the MoJ Frontend CSS, alongside the GOV.UK ones in the head:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/moj-frontend.min.css" />
  3. Add script tags for the MoJ Frontend JavaScript, alongside the GOV.UK at the bottom of the body. This includes jQuery, which is a dependency of MoJ Frontend.
    <script src="/javascript/moj-frontend.min.js"></script>

Without the GOV.UK Design System

It is unlikely that you would ever want to install the MoJ Design System alone, but if so you can follow the guide below to check that it is working.

  1. Create a page in your project using the following HTML (in your live application, you should use the Design System page template instead):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">
        <title>Example - MoJ Frontend</title>
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover"
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/moj-frontend.min.css" />
        <!-- component HTML -->
        <script src="/javascript/moj-frontend.min.js"></script>
  2. Go to the Add another component on the Design System website and copy the HTML from the first example.

  3. Replace <!-- component HTML --> with the accordion HTML you copied.

  4. Run your application - you can check it works the same way as the Add another component example by clicking the “Add another person” button.