Components Archived components

MoJ components are archived when similar components are published in the GOV.UK Design System, or when it is no longer practical to support them.


Currency input

Currency input was archived on 23 June 2021.

You should use prefixes and suffixes in the GOV.UK Design System to help users enter things like currencies.

Form validator

Form validator was archived on 20 April 2022.

This component was deemed not sufficiently accessible to be used in live services and too complex to maintain.

You must validate forms on the server-side. If you require client-side validation, start with native browser form validation. For more complex validation, use an accessible validation library.

Rich text editor

Rich text editor was archived on 20 April 2022.

This component was deemed not sufficiently accessible to be used in live services and too complex to maintain.

You should use an accessible rich text editor.


Additional colours of Tag was archived on 23 June 2021.

The GOV.UK Design System working group made a decision to use tints for additional colours.

You should use additional colours in the GOV.UK Design System.